Because USAMM and USDOS are strongly data-based, we have developed and/or characterized a number of data sources. Please see our FAQ for questions about data availability and confidentiality.

Spatial and temporal patterns of U.S. cattle shipments

Buhnerkempe, M.G., D.A. Grear, K. Portacci, R.S. Miller, J. Lombard, and C.T. Webb. 2013. A national-scale picture of U.S. cattle movements obtained from Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection data. Prev. Vet. Med.112: 318-329.

Gorsich, E., A.D. Luis, M.G. Buhnerkempe, D.A. Grear, K. Portacci, R.S. Miller, and C.T. Webb. 2016. Mapping U.S. cattle shipment networks: spatial and temporal patterns of trade communities from 2009 to 2011. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 134: 82-91.

Gorsich, E. C.D. McKee, D.A. Grear, R.S. Miller, K. Portacci, T. Lindström, C.T. Webb. 2017. Model-guided suggestions for targeted surveillance based on cattle shipments in the U.S.. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 150: 52-59.

Portacci, K, R.S. Miller, P.D. Riggs, M.G. Buhnerkempe, and L.M. Abrahamsen. 2013. Assessment of paper interstate certificates of veterinary inspection used to support disease tracing in cattle. Journal of the American Veterinary Association 243(4): 555-560.

Spatial and temporal patterns of U.S. swine shipments

Gorsich, E.E., R.S. Miller, H.S. Mask, C. Hallman, K. Portacci, and C.T. Webb. 2019. Spatio-temporal patterns and characteristics of swine shipments in the U.S. based on Interstate Certificates of Veterinary Inspection. Scientific Reports.

Bovine tuberculosis in the U.S.

Grear, D.A., J.B. Kaneene, J.J. Averill, and C.T. Webb. 2014. Local cattle movments in response to ongoing bovine tuberculosis zonation and regulations in Michigan, USA. Preventative Veterinary Medicine. 114(3-4):201-12.

Tsao, K., S. Robbe-Austerman, R.S. Miller, K. Portacci, D.A. Grear, and C.T. Webb. 2014. Sources of bovine tuberculosis in the United States. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 28C:137-143.

Impacts of partial observation or sampled data on inference

Dawson P.M., M. Werkman, E. Brooks-Pollock, M.J. Tildesley. 2015. Epidemic predictions in an imperfect world: modelling disease spread with partial data. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282(1808).

Lindström T., S. Sternberg Lewerin, and U. Wennergren. 2012. SpecNet: A spatial network algorithm that generates a wide range of specific structures. PLoS ONE

Tildesley, M.J. and S.J. Ryan. 2012. Disease prevention versus data privacy: using landcover maps to inform spatial epidemic models. PLoS Computational Biology.

Ensemble modeling for foot-and-mouth disease.

Probert, W.J.M., K. Shea, C.J. Fonnesbeck, M.C. Runge, C.T. Webb, M.J. Tildesley, and M.J. Ferrari. 2015. Decision-making for foot-and-mouth disease control: objectives matter. Epidemics 15: 10-19.

Lindström, T., Tildesley, M., Webb, C.T. 2015. A Bayesian ensemble approach for epidemiological projections. PLoS Computational Biology.

Webb, C.T., M.J. Ferrari, T. Lindström, T. Carpenter, S. Dürr, G. Garner, C. Jewell, M. Stevenson, M.P. Ward, M. Werkman, and M.J. Tildesley. 2017. Ensemble Modeling and Structured Decision Making to Support Emergency Disease Management. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 138: 124-133.

Other modeling work

Lindström T., S. Sternberg Lewerin, and U. Wennergren. 2012. Influence on disease spread dynamics of herd characteristics in a structured livestock industry. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 9: 1287-1294.

Expert opinion reports

United States movement survey report

Iowa movement survey report

Minnesota movement survey report

New York movement survey report

Oklahoma movement survey report

Tennessee movement survey report

Texas movement survey report

Wisconsin movement survey report